Leadership Factory
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Better Leadership = Greater Profitability!

I build leaders and grow companies

What are YOUR leadership gaps? Do you want to get promoted or help others grow their career?  And what are you doing every day become a better leader? This is what increases business growth, personal happiness, and profitability. Find out more here!

Leadership Factory

As Seen In:

Adam Contos

Former CEO and Board Director of RE/MAX Holdings (NYSE: RMAX), Adam Contos shares his time tested leadership growth system, Promotion Skills, and Franchise Expertise to help you build your leaders and grow your business. Finally, an organized way to improve your leadership!





Leadership Factory

Over 80% of key business leaders feel they are in the top 10% of leaders. Do you see the problem with that? With daily learning (that doesn't have to be time consuming) and implementation of these leadership skills, you can watch career grow, your culture evolve and leaders emerge in your business. These synergies lead to healthy growth in the bottom line, employee retention, and scaled results.

The Leadership Factory helps you develop these skills through video lessons, masterminds, and systems thinking to grow your leadership soft skills. These skills are not taught in business school but are needed for business growth and core leadership. Click here to learn more!

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Franchise Resources

Most franchise companies (Franchisors) don't know exactly what their goals are and frankly most of their employees don't know what Franchising truly is. This translates to the franchisees that are trying to make a living, but merely end up replacing a paycheck instead or floundering financially due to lack of leadership and proper oversight.

Most Franchisors and Franchisees can't even answer this question: What should we be doing every day? And why?  In Franchise Talk, we unpack how to be successful as a Franchisor, and a Franchisee through systems, learning, and execution - leaning on insights from both large and small (but growing) franchise companies.  

Adam has spent two decades building franchise companies, including one of the top franchise brands in the world. Learn about his tips and secrets from selling franchises to increasing same store sales and multi-unit growth.

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Tools and Lessons for Personal and Business Success. 

Every day you have a choice. You can wake up and choose to accept mediocrity and complacency—doing the bare minimum to get by and fly under the radar. You can give in to bad habits and poor choices.

Or you can choose to make today the day you start doing the right things—the things that will set you up for success. You can choose to create a life that is worth living, worth waking up to, and worth sharing with the world around you, helps you grow your business and relationships. Today, you can choose to start with a win.

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Strengthen your leadership skills and achieve success at work and at home with advice from a proven business leader.

In Start With A Win: Tools and Lessons to Create Personal and Business Success, former CEO of RE/MAX Holdings Adam Contos delivers a powerful exploration of how leaders process information and lead boldly, especially (or even) during times of crisis. Packed with the practical lessons he learned as the leader of one of the most recognized real estate brands in the world, the book shows you how leaders recognize emotion, chaos, and fear and transform those negatives into opportunity.

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About Adam 

I used to run a SWAT team in my previous career. I would kick in doors, blow things up, save people.

Now, as a CEO my professional life is completely different. My approach, however, remains the same. My goal always is to break down barriers, blow up conventional thinking, and help as many people as possible achieve success.  

When we remove limitations from people's beliefs and add a learning environment, we get to see people grow.  

Leaders don't build followers, they build leaders.

That's my goal, to build leaders and help them build companies.   Why?  Because when you lean in to the giving consistently in life and business, people find a higher level of achievement and success.  They are happier, society is better, and we achieve amazing results.  


Please take a look around but also do this:  TAKE ACTION!  


Browsing won't create results.  And dabbling won't either.  Commitment and accountability is your friend you love to hate, but one that loves to see you succeed.  


It's time to take action.  Click here to begin!

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Franchise Resources

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What Other Leaders Have To Say

“In the remarkably actionable and relatable Start With A Win, Adam Contos reframes the outdated view of success as an often daunting ‘destination,’ to a series of achievable ‘wins’ that propel you toward your self-determined goals.”

David Avrin

President, The Customer Experience Advantage

 “Adam Contos is a strong and confident communicator whose determination, boldness, and successes have helped him truly understand what it means to be a leader today. Listen to what he has to say.

Barbara Kreisman, PhD

Daniels College of Business, University of Denver

Adam is an individual with unbounded curiosity and is willing to look in many directions to be a better leader. He understands how believing in yourself and starting a step-by-step program of small steps ultimately gets a person to incredible success.”

Dave Liniger

Co-Founder of RE/MAX

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